A NEW way to quickly Treat the injured area and improve at least 50% or more During this training!

...all by using the "magic" of treating the yummy motions in order to get immediate results on the injured region

"This works better than anything I have seen in the last 18 years of treating patients"

Purchase Before The Timer Hit's Zero & Save $100

...Plus Get 1-on-1 Access To Me, FREE 

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What We're Doing

  • ​We're going to show you the Total Motion Release Formula we have used and have taught to clinicians for the past 18 years

  • We're using that same formula you will learn to treat your own pain and get at least 50% better in around 20 minutes.

  • We're going to take everything you learn and then show you how to use it on your friends and family so you can get them 50% better too

How We're Doing It

  • We are going to do a deep dive on how to use the easy motions of the body and the non-injured areas of the body for immediate results. (You will have unlimited access to this training).

  • You will have ONE-ON-ONE access to me so I can help answer any questions you have when learning the method.

odd Shoulder pain

Sciatica & Back

severe groin pain

Knee pain

Have A Look At It In Action

5 Year Shoulder Issue

Fresh Ankle Sprain

Weird Eye & Neck Pain

Elbow Pain

Spine Surgeon Severe Back Pain

Severe Groin Pain

 The Requirements

  • Internet access and a computer

  • Time to sit down and learn the method, treat your own pain, and get at least 50% better

  • FOCUS: The method you're learning is very simple. You might be tempted by "shiny objects" or other distractions. Don't let that happen! If you follow the method you learn in this class, you WILL have the ability to improve your own pain by at least 50% in this session.

It doesn't matter if you have had this pain for 20 years, been to see a rehab professional, or even had surgery in order to get rid of it...


  • If you do not have at least 50% improvement during this deep dive I will give you your money back (How many people are able to promise that dramatic of a change in 1 session?)

  • By the end of the training, you will be able to get immediate results on yourself using areas of the body you never knew were possible to use.

  • ​Get immediate "wow" results

 Registration Ends 

The page expires when the timer above hits zero.

 The Investment 

$47. That's it.

This is a ridiculous offer and we both know it. 

You will learn more from this class (and get better results) than you would from taking something that's ten times more expensive.

The reason the price is so low is because I want everyone to be able to take advantage of this method. 

Another (admittedly selfish) reason is that the overwhelming majority of my customers are repeat customers. 

So I know that if you learn a lot from this class, you'll probably want to increase your knowledge on this method and take more seminars from me in the future. 


Because the training delivers such kick butt results, I can only accept 10 people at a time. 

Once all the spots have been filled, there will be no way of joining. (Not even if you want to pay double!)

There is no better time to learn the Total Motion Release Formula then now. 

And you're getting it at the fraction of the price.

Click the button below (before the timer expires) to sign up.


You'll Get Instant Access!


I've invested in so many ways to get rid of my pain before that didn't work. How is yours any different?

By now I hope this page with the videos and stories have shown you how it is different. And don't forget, I insist that you text me if you don't get everything you want out of the course.

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What issues does Total Motion Release help?

It sounds like a cliche, but the same pains or issues you would go to see a physical therapist, chiropractor, athletic trainer, occupational therapist, massage therapist or orthopedic surgeon. For example, Back, Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand, Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot

How effective is TMR?

Approximately 90% of conditions will experience at least a 30% improvement on the initial treatment, yet most experience a 50% or greater improvement. Obviously, this is a very broad statement and some won't get improvement. Yet this information needs to be taught to everyone in elementary school... because it is that important and can have that profound of an effect. So much money, time and frustration could be avoided if TMR was known by everyone.

How long does it last?

You will find out during this online training that there is a reason this is the longest lasting treatment you can have. And one of the reasons is, is you are going to have the tools to change yourself.

Why aren't you charging more for this if it is so wonderful?

I definitely could. In this day and age of information overload, so many are promising the world and delivering very little... yet charging a ton. Just like TMR I wanted to do the opposite. I wanted to show you how well it works right away to build your trust that it is a real solution. And then hopefully with this profound improvement if you need more help you will get that help from us.

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